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21. 题目: Vetch cover crops increase particulate organic carbon in citrus orchard by increasing lignin phenols
文章编号: N25021208
期刊: Applied Soil Ecology
作者: Jiajia Zhang, Lei Lei, Wenfa Xiao, Xin Yang, Willam R Horwath, Yiling Liao, Hongbing Yang, Zunji Jian, Lixiong Zeng
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Green manure has long been used to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) and as an amendment to promote soil health in agricultural soils. Its use in orchard crops has a long history, but its role in SOC maintenance and accrual has received less attention than in row crop agriculture. In this study, we compared citrus orchards under clean tillage (control) with those under a 3-year cover of smooth vetch (Vicia villosa var. glabrescens) cover. The distribution of carbon content in SOC and its fractions, including free and occluded particulate organic carbon (fPOC and oPOC) content, mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC), and changes in lignin phenols, amino sugars, and glomalin-related soil proteins (GRSP), were examined in the topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsurface soil (10–30 cm) and subsoil (30–50 cm). At topsoil under vetch cover, the contents of SOC, oPOC, and lignin phenols increased by 19.23 %, 65.49 %, and 52.44 %, respectively. The topsoil cover crop treatment also enhanced microbial necromass C turnover and decreased lignin phenol degradation, without affecting GRSP. The SOC and MAOC did not change significantly deeper soil layers. The increased available nitrogen (AN) content, fungi-to-bacteria ratio (F/B ratio), and AMF-to-saprophytic fungi ratio contributed to the accumulation of plant-derived C, while dissolved organic nitrogen, AN, F/B ratio, and exchangeable calcium positively influenced microbial-derived C. SOC accrual was mainly driven by the accumulation of oPOC in topsoil resulting in the increase in lignin phenols under vetch cover. These findings support the use of vetch cover as a green manure to improve SOC and promote soil health in orchard systems.

22. 题目: Biochar for mitigating pharmaceutical pollution in wastewater: A sustainable solution
文章编号: N25021207
期刊: Science of the Total Environment
作者: Sampurna Nand, Prem Prakash Singh, Swati Verma, Sandhya Mishra, Anju Patel, Siddharth Shukla, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Pharmaceutical contaminants (PCs), including antibiotics, analgesics, and other medications, pose a growing threat to aquatic ecosystems and human health due to their persistence and bioaccumulation potential. Biochar, a carbonaceous material derived from biomass pyrolysis, has emerged as a sustainable adsorbent for removing PCs from wastewater. Biochar is reported to remove PCs from water with an average range of 58 to 91 %, depending on the nature of feedstock, pyrolysis conditions, and characteristics of the pharmaceuticals. Biochar's effectiveness is attributed to its unique properties, including high porosity, large surface area and diverse functional groups, which enable the adsorption of various pharmaceutical compounds through physical and chemical interactions. Common PCs such as tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, sulfamethoxazole, and cephalexin can be effectively removed using biochar. The adsorption process involves different mechanisms such as Van der Waals forces, electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and surface complexation. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge on biochar-based adsorption mechanisms, highlights successful applications in wastewater treatment, and identifies areas for future research. While promising, a deeper understanding of adsorption mechanisms, optimization of biochar production, and the development of effective regeneration methods are crucial for maximizing biochar's efficacy and ensuring its sustainable implementation in wastewater treatment systems.

23. 题目: Methanogenesis by CO2 reduction dominates lake sediments with different organic matter compositions
文章编号: N25021206
期刊: Biogeosciences
作者: Guangyi Su, Julie Tolu, Clemens Glombitza, Jakob Zopfi, Moritz F Lehmann, Mark A Lever, Carsten J Schubert
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: . Microbial methane production is a respiration reaction involved in the terminal step of anaerobic degradation of organic matter. Due to the dependency of methanogenic substrate production on fermentation reactions that produce different end productions, different sources and compositions of organic carbon (OC) may impact the methanogenic potential in lake sediments. Here, we investigate the sources and compositions of OC in sediments of Lake Geneva and how both are potentially linked to methane production. Differences in dominant long-chain fatty acid abundances and carbon isotopic compositions suggest the predominance of diagenetically altered phytoplankton-derived OC at a profundal site and temporally highly variable sources of both aquatic and terrestrial OC in a deltaic location. Despite these differences, radiotracer-based methanogenesis rate measurements and stable isotopic signatures of methane indicate significant methane production that is dominated by CO2 reduction (>95 % of total methanogenesis) in both locations. Matching this interpretation, members of well-known CO2-reducing Methanoregula sp. dominate both sites. No clear effect of OC source on methane production rates was evident. Our data demonstrate that OC of diverse sources and diagenetic states support microbial methane production, but do not indicate a clear impact of the OC source on the dominant methanogenic pathway or the community structure of methanogenic microorganisms in lacustrine sediments.

24. 题目: Recent Developments on the Three-Dimensional Structure of Dissolved Organic Matter: Toward a Unified Description
文章编号: N25021205
期刊: Environmental Science & Technology
作者: Kari E Norris, Joseph J Pignatello, Elena A Vialykh, Michael Sander, Kristopher McNeill, Fernando L Rosario-Ortiz
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Advancing a common understanding about the chemical composition, size, and three-dimensional (3D) structure of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is paramount to deciphering its impact on and involvement in environmental processes, such as the fate and transport of contaminants and carbon cycling. Traditionally, DOM has been described as a collection of solvent-separated molecules or macromolecules. More recently, DOM has been depicted as a “supramolecular assembly”, a collection of individual molecules and associations of molecules held together by non-covalent interactions. The supramolecular assembly model has been broadly invoked to rationalize certain behaviors and properties of DOM, yet the complexity of DOM has made it difficult to fully unravel the nature and contributions of its intermolecular interactions. Discussed in this perspective is evidence regarding thermodynamic drivers of intermolecular associations, DOM molecular size, sorption of organic contaminants to DOM, and optical properties of DOM. While single observations may be rationalized by former structural models, such as the supramolecular assembly model, combined evidence shows that the 3D structure of DOM is best described by a mixed dynamic assembly model (MDAM). The MDAM depicts DOM as a collection of solvent-separated molecules and small, tightly knit assemblies held together by strong hydrogen bonds, which may form large assemblies through weak intermolecular interactions only at specific pH values, high ionic strength, or high DOM concentration.

25. 题目: Effects of herb Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion on soil organic matter varied with flooding conditions in wetlands
文章编号: N25021204
期刊: Plant and Soil
作者: Yan Wang, Changchao Li, Yongkang Zhao, Xiaoke Liu, Yijing Wang, Jian Liu
更新时间: 2025-02-12

Background and aims

Wetlands play a crucial role in the global cycling of carbon and nitrogen, and plant invasions, as one of global change factors, often affect the structure and function of wetland ecosystems. Accordingly, this study aims to reveal the impacts of plant invasions on the carbon sequestration capacity of wetlands with different flooding conditions.


We investigated the effects of a typical invasive plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides, on the carbon and nitrogen of soil organic matter (SOM) components under different flooding conditions (flooded, meaning permanently flooded; non-flooded, meaning seasonally flooded) in a constructed wetland. The associated physicochemical factors and microbial community characteristics were studied to explore the underlying mechanisms of the impacts of plant invasion on SOM.


The invasion of A. philoxeroides significantly increased the soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in both flooded and non-flooded habitats. Furthermore, the invasion of A. philoxeroides increased the carbon and nitrogen content of soil particulate organic matter (POM) and SOM in the non-flooded habitats, while there were no such differences in the flooded habitats. In addition, plant invasion had no significant effect on mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) in both flooded and non-flooded habitats, but the flooding could promote the formation of MAOM in the invaded habitats.


In non-flooded habitats, plant invasion significantly increased SOM by increasing the carbon and nitrogen content of POM, and in flooded habitats, flooding reduced the effects of plant invasion in increasing SOM components except the soil DOC.

26. 题目: Transformation of dissolved organic matter in membrane-concentrated landfill leachate during Cu-Fenton-biological treatment
文章编号: N25021203
期刊: Journal of Environmental Management
作者: Chunying Teng, Xinyu Jing, Zhi Xu, Wei Chen
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Membrane-concentrated landfill leachate (MCLL) is a highly concentrated and recalcitrant wastewater with remarkably low biodegradability. In this study, a multi-stage Cu-Fenton oxidation coupled with biological process was proposed for MCLL treatment. Importantly, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry was employed to unveil the molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in MCLL during this integrated treatment process. The multi-stage Cu-Fenton process exhibited a high capacity to remove CHON compounds, resulting in a decrease in their relative abundance from 43% to 28%. Conversely, CHOS compounds displayed an increased relative abundance. For compound classes, the relative abundance of aliphatic/protein groups increased from 11% to 20%, whereas lignin/CRAM-like structures decreased from 36% to 12%, resulting significant improvement of the effluent biodegradability. The recalcitrant species during the multi-stage Cu-Fenton process were 300–400 Da lignin/carboxylic rich alicyclic molecules and tannins with high O/C ratios, which were effectively degraded by the subsequent biological treatment, particularly for the higher molecular weight organic fractions. This work provides new insights into the transformation characteristics of DOM in MCLL at a molecular level and offers technical guidance for the treatment of this refractory organic wastewater.

27. 题目: Renewable biochar for efficient copper slag reduction: Kinetics and mechanistic Insights
文章编号: N25021202
期刊: Chemical Engineering Journal
作者: Jun Hao, Xingyuan Wan, Zhihe Dou, Tingan Zhang
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Biochar, being both renewable and carbon-neutral, serves as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, playing a crucial role in lowering carbon emissions and reducing environmental pollution. We comprehensively examine the reaction behavior and kinetics of biomass-driven copper slag reduction, utilizing thermogravimetric analysis combined with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (TG-FTIR-MS). By analyzing samples with different C/O ratios, it is found that a ratio of 1.38 optimizes the recovery of valuable metals such as copper, iron, lead, and zinc. The reduction process is divided into three stages: biomass pyrolysis gas reduction, direct biochar reduction, and indirect reduction via CO from the Boudouard reaction. TG-FTIR analysis reveals that direct biochar reduction dominates below 700 °C, while CO reduction dominates at higher temperatures. This study offers a novel approach to utilizing biomass for metal recovery from copper slag, contributing to sustainable resource management and carbon emission reduction in metallurgical industries.

28. 题目: Biochar-derived dissolved organic matter (BDOM) shifts fungal community composition: BDOM-soil DOM interaction
文章编号: N25021201
期刊: Applied Soil Ecology
作者: Muhammad Azeem, Jian Wang, Jean J Kubwimana, Syed S H Kazmi, Zulqarnain H Khan, Kaiwen He, Ruixia Han
更新时间: 2025-02-12
摘要: Biochar-derived dissolved organic matter (BDOM is a highly reactive proportion of biochar, which can affect the microbial community composition in soil. Despite this, the mechanisms by which BDOM influences soil fungal communities and DOM dynamics remain poorly understood, limiting its effective application in soil management practices. In a microcosm experiment, we investigated the direct effect of biochar-derived dissolved organic matter (BDOM), instead of solid biochar matrix, on the fungal community composition, soil nutrient bioavailability, and soil dissolved organic matter (SDOM). The BDOM was derived from bone, plant, and manure and generated at low and high pyrolysis temperatures (LPT, HPT). LPT-derived BDOM revealed higher BDOM contents in the following order: rice husk (RB) > rabbit manure (MB) > sheep bone (SB) compared with HPT, causing higher SDOM contents in the soil. Fungal diversity indices were reduced, particularly with MB-derived BDOM. A significant shift in microbial taxonomy was observed at both the phylum and genus levels with the addition of BDOM. A higher abundance of Mortierellomycota (1.98-fold increase), Basidiomycota (1.39-fold increase), and Chytridiomycota (2.61-fold increase) was noticed with all added BDOM, except for MB-derived BDOM, compared to no BDOM addition. At LPT, the higher abundance of Mortierellomycota was linked to increased phosphorus availability in the order of SB400 > MB400 > RB400, compared to the control. Higher values of fluorescence (Flul), freshness (FrI), biological (BIX), and humification (HIX) indices were associated with LPT-derived BDOM, particularly SB-derived BDOM, while HIX was notably enhanced with MB-derived BDOM. These findings revealed that BDOM-induced changes in SDOM and its interaction with the fungal microbiome play a key role in soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycling, and soil quality.

29. 题目: Insights into effects of drying–wetting cycles on dissolved organic matter and Cd bioavailability in riparian sediments amended with microplastics.
文章编号: N25021108
期刊: Environmental Research
作者: Si Liu, Jinhui Huang, Wenjuan He, Lixiu Shi, Wei Zhang, Enjie Li, Jinying Hu, Chenyu Zhang, Haoliang Pang
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Microplastics (MPs) affect the fractionation of cadmium (Cd) by altering physicochemical properties of sediment. However, differences in the effect of drying-wetting cycles on the bioavailability of heavy metals and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment amended with MPs remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the influence of polystyrene (PS), polylactic acid (PLA), and tire wear particles (TWPs) at concentrations of 0.5% and 5% (w/w) on Cd fractionation and DOM properties of sediment under drying-wetting alternation conditions. The results showed that the surface of MPs displayed obvious increase in surface roughness and oxygen-containing functional groups after drying-wetting cycles. At the end of drying-wetting cycles, 0.5% and 5% MPs significantly decreased the sediment pH. And 5% PLA MPs and TWPs significantly increased the content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Besides, Cd bioavailability showed a slight decrease under wet conditions. However, 5% PLA MPs significantly increased F1 fraction by 7.82%-13.50%, which may be related to the release of additives. The aromaticity and humification degree of sediment-derived DOM were improved under drying-wetting alternation conditions. Further correlation analysis indicated that MPs indirectly affected Cd fractionation by influencing the sediment DOM properties. This study provides a new perspective for understanding the influence of MPs on the relationship between DOM and heavy metals in riparian sediments under typical hydrological condition.

30. 题目: Synthesis of magnetic biochar co-doped with sulfur, iron, and manganese via a novel modification method for simultaneous Cd and Pb remediation
文章编号: N25021107
期刊: Separation and Purification Technology
作者: Han Zhang, Haiyan Huang, Yueru Fang, Jiameng Cai, Xiaoyong Lv, Weilong Wu, Qian Gu, Rong Qian, Kunru Yu, Kuok Ho Daniel Tang, Ronghua Li
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: In this study, a manganese (Mn)/ iron (Fe) bimetallic sulfide-modified magnetic biochar composite derived from hardwood sawdust (S-M-KAC) was synthesized via a stepwise activation-magnetization-sulfidation method for the simultaneous remediation of water and soil contaminated by cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). In a single-contaminant system, metal adsorption by potassium permanganate (KMnO4)-activated biochar (KAC), magnetized KMnO4-activated biochar (M-KAC), and S-M-KAC followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm. The maximum adsorption capacities for Cd(II) in water were in the order of S-M-KAC (127.37 mg/g) > M-KAC (36.95 mg/g) > KAC (31.04 mg/g), whereas for Pb(II), the adsorption capacity was greatest for S-M-KAC (290.17 mg/g), followed by M-KAC (148.05 mg/g) and KAC (67.85 mg/g). In the binary system, S-M-KAC retained more than 80 % of its maximum adsorption capacities from the single-contaminant systems, making it the most effective adsorbent for remediating Cd/Pb-contaminated water. In addition, the stabilization efficiencies for soil Cd and Pb across four biochar treatments increased consistently with higher adsorbent application rates and longer treatment periods compared to the control. The stabilization efficiencies followed the order of S-M-KAC > M-KAC > KAC > BC. These findings highlight the significant potential of S-M-KAC for practical remediation of water and soil contaminated by Cd and Pb.

31. 题目: Investigation of interaction mechanism of hematite-humic acid/ fulvic acid composites with CdSe quantum dots in aqueous environment
文章编号: N25021106
期刊: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
作者: Weiyu Liang, Cheng Peng, Chengpeng Su, Xuechun Shao, Kailin Gong, Wei Zhang
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: The increasing use of quantum dots (QDs) has led to their inevitable release into the environment, raising concerns about the potential impact on the ecosystem. Iron oxides and their organic matter adsorption composites are key factors influencing the environmental behavior of QDs. In this work, the interaction between QDs (including water-soluble CdSe QDs and core-shell-structured CdSe/ZnS QDs) and hematite and hematite-humic acid/fulvic acid (Hem-(HA/FA)) were investigated under different solution chemistry conditions. Results showed that heteroaggregation could occur between QDs and Hem(-HA/FA), and electrostatic interaction dominated this process. The adsorption of HA/FA changed the surface charge of Hem, enhanced the electrostatic repulsion between particles, thus inhibited the heteroaggregation between QDs and Hem-HA/FA. Surface charge of Hem(-HA/FA) changes induced by pH and ionic strength (IS) variations were the key factors affecting the heteroaggregation. Furthermore, the extra-spherical complexation of hydroxyl functional groups on the Hem(-HA/FA) also played a role in the heteroaggregation, and HA/FA could promote electron transfer between hematite and QDs. This study has important implications for predicting the behavior and fate of QDs in iron-rich and organic matter-rich environments.

32. 题目: Aluminum ion catalyzed proton transfer: Mechanism on promoting highly stable passivation of Cr by soil organic matter
文章编号: N25021105
期刊: Science of the Total Environment
作者: Gaoyuan Gu, Jianing Zhang, Yan Zhou, Wenhui Li, Chong Peng, Changlong Bi, Shuyi Yang, Yun Li, E Tao
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Although biochar can passivate chromium (Cr3+) in soil, the low stability is still a challenge to be overcome since the passivation mechanism is dominated by weak interactions (complexation, electrostatic attraction, etc.). In this study, a highly stable passivation of Cr3+ was achieved in soil based on the strategy that the low-energy sp hybridisation orbitals of aluminum (Al3+) induced a decrease in the HOMO energy level, leading to the enrichment of off-domain electrons in carbon-based conjugated systems. It can promote the proton transfer and the ion exchange, facilitating the strong chemical binding of organic matter to Cr3+. It suggested that the introduction of Al3+ significantly enhanced the passivation efficiency, maintaining a growth over 42 days of aging. To achieving a high stable passivation, the key is promoting a higher proportion of organic matter-bound Cr3+ contributing by the introduction of Al3+. DFT calculations further validated thermodynamically that, only Al3+ had the catalytic effect on both proton transfer and Cr3+ passivation compared with K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, Zr4+. These findings can provide important insights for developing a new generation of passivators which can efficiently stabilize heavy metal.

33. 题目: Effect of biochar addition on antibiotic and heavy metal resistance genes during sewage sludge composting
文章编号: N25021104
期刊: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
作者: Dengmiao Cheng, Jisen Xiong, Jianyu Chen, Huiqing Chang, Jonathan Woon Chung Wong
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Composting technology has been widely shown to degrade antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and heavy metal resistance genes (HMRGs). In this study, the effect of biochar from pyrolyzed corn straw at temperatures ranging from 300 to 500℃ on ARGs and HMRGs during sewage sludge composting was investigated. The addition of 400℃ biochar effectively eliminated up to 97.9% of resistance genes, particularly ARGs, in sludge compost. The abundance of some HMRGs rebounded after composting. The involvement of 400℃ pyrolytic biochar resulted in more concise co-occurrence networks between resistance genes and their potential host bacteria and inhibited the proliferation of host bacteria, ultimately leading to a reduction in resistance genes. This study can provide valuable insight for controlling the proliferation and diffusion of ARGs and HMRGs in compost.

34. 题目: pH-Dependent preferential adsorption and stability of humic substances on goethite: The dual role of aromatic and aliphatic moieties.
文章编号: N25021103
期刊: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
作者: Long Wang, Yanan Ren, Mengke Jia, Jinkang Yang, Hongen Liu, Peng Zhao, Jihua Tang, Jie Ma, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Preferential adsorption occurs during interaction between humic substances (HS) and metal (hydr)oxides, however, the preferential adsorption and thermal stability mechanism remains poorly understood. Here we show that solution pH can modify the configuration of humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA), and thereby altering their fractionation and thermal stability in relation to goethite. At pH 5-7, particles with a molar mass of 3.5-15 kDa were preferentially adsorbed for both fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA). These particles enriched in aromatic moieties and carboxylic groups (-COOH), which enhanced the stability of HS by facilitating the formation of inner-sphere complexes. Conversely, at pH levels exceeding 9.2, large particles (> 50 kDa) and those rich in aliphatic moieties were preferentially adsorbed for both HA and FA, attributed to the increased significance of hydrophobic interactions. However, this stabilization effect on HS was limited under these conditions. FA particles exhibit a lower degree of chemical heterogeneity compared to HA particles. For FA, the variations in aromatic structures (-COOH) and aliphatic moieties were coupled, following a consistent trend in preferential adsorption as pH changed. In contrast, HA demonstrated an opposite pH dependency, with aromatic (-COOH) and aliphatic moieties displaying divergent patterns of preferential adsorption. These innovative discoveries clarify the behavior of organic matter in various environmental conditions and its interactions with minerals surfaces, thereby establishing a critical theoretical foundation for understanding the sequestration of soil organic carbon, emphasizing the dual roles of aromatic and aliphatic moieties in the preferential adsorption and stability of humic substances on goethite.

35. 题目: Microbial carbon use efficiency of mineral-associated organic matter is related to its desorbability
文章编号: N25021102
期刊: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
作者: Alexander Konrad, Diana Hofmann, Jan Siemens, Kenton P Stutz, Friederike Lang, Ines Mulder
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Interactions between organic substances, minerals, and microorganisms are crucial for organic carbon (OC) stabilization in soil. We hypothesized that thresholds of sorption strength (described by the sorption coefficient of the Freundlich isotherms) and desorbability (i.e., the ratio of the amount desorbed to the amount sorbed) of organic monomers control the extent of their microbial processing.Freundlich sorption isotherms and desorbability of uniformly 14C-labeled glucose, acetylglucosamine, phenylalanine, salicylic acid, and citric acid onto goethite, kaolinite, and illite were studied in batch experiments. Monomers adsorbed to minerals were mixed with loamy and sandy arable topsoil and incubated at 25°C. Mineralization of mineral-adsorbed monomers was observed over three weeks, after which the assimilation into microbial biomass, and the 14C remaining in soil were quantified. Subsequently, the mineralization of incubated soils was observed for additional three weeks after glucose priming.The adsorption of carboxylic acids onto minerals exceeded that of (amino) sugars and phenylalanine, with the overall highest amounts both adsorbed and retained after desorption with water for goethite. Assimilation of monomer 14C into microbial biomass and the microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) of mineral-adsorbed monomers in both soils increased linearly with the monomer desorbability from mineral phases. Furthermore, the CUEs of monomers adsorbed to goethite were lower than those of the same monomers adsorbed to clay minerals. In terms of total amount of carbon retained in the soil, carboxylic acids adsorbed on goethite showed highest values, emphasizing the significance of oxides for the stabilization of OC within soils. Priming of incubated soil with non-labeled glucose caused an additional mineralization of monomer-C, with the priming effect decreasing from goethite to clay minerals.We conclude that sorption strength and desorbability shape microbial utilization of mineral-bound organic compounds, but no universal thresholds determine bio-accessibility of sorbed organic compounds.

36. 题目: Light Absorption of Black and Brown Carbon in Eastern China
文章编号: N25021101
期刊: Journal of Hazardous Materials
作者: Rongzhi Tang, Weizhen Cui, Xiuli Zhang, Yu Tan
更新时间: 2025-02-11
摘要: Black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) are important light-absorbing components of carbonaceous aerosols in the atmosphere. While BC concentrations and properties have been widely studied, BrC concentrations and its radiative balance have been rarely studied due to the lack of information on the light-absorbing properties. In this study, a novel Bayesian inference model (BI) and conventional BC and BrC models were both applied to systematically study the BC and BrC properties at a roadside site in Yantai based on the data from a 7-wavelength aethalometer and total carbon (TC) analyzer. TC was resolved into BC, BrC and white carbon (WtC) by the BI model, in which BC dominates the TC (43.4%), followed by WtC (29.5%) and BrC (27.1%) during autumn and winter. Significant agreements in BC and babs, BC (880) (R>0.95) were achieved by BI and traditional BC model. BC source apportionment shows a clear contribution of biomass burning in cold seasons, especially on cold winter nights. Further separations of babs, BrC (370) shows distinct seasonal variations of babs, BrC, pri (370) and babs, BrC, sec (370). While babs, BrC, pri (370) diel distribution was similar across different seasons, babs,BrC,sec(370) shows a significant contribution in winter, especially during nighttime, possibly due to the enhanced nighttime NO3 chemistry via aqueous reactions. Hourly resolved MAE shows a clear BrC photobleaching process during noontime. Unlike HKUST where clear darkening-photobleaching BrC process was observed, the morning darkening-photobleaching processes were interfered by traffic emissions, suggesting that the formation/emission process of BrC surpassed the photobleaching process in the morning.

37. 题目: Uniform features of organic carbon and trace metal colloidal carriers in humic surface waters: A case study of Cameroon
文章编号: N25020917
期刊: Chemosphere
作者: Oleg S Pokrovsky, Jean-Jacques Braun
更新时间: 2025-02-09
摘要: Organic matter (OM) and Fe/Al oxy(hydr)oxides are two of the most important drivers for trace element (TE) transport in surface waters, occurring both as colloids and particles. Distinguishing between these two trace metal carriers remains a challenge and requires significant instrumental investment. However, empirical methods such as ultrafiltration and dialysis can be suitable for assessing the colloidal status of trace metals in pristine, organic- and Fe-rich waters, particularly when transport to high-resolution analytical facilities is cost-prohibitive. In this study, we conducted an on-site assessment of colloids and particles in humid tropical region (Cameroon, Central Africa), selecting several representative humic and Fe-rich surface waters, including a large river, its tributaries, small streams, and stagnant soil water, all sampled during the long dry season (February).

38. 题目: Mechanisms of removing terdizolamide phosphate from water by the activation of potassium peroxymonosulfate with CeFe2O4 biochar
文章编号: N25020916
期刊: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
作者: Lei Zhang, Tian Ai, Shujuan Dai, Guoyong Xiao, Xiaolu Xiong, Nan Zhang, Jian Si, Guanyue Wang, Wanwan Xue, Jing Xu
更新时间: 2025-02-09

Terdizolamide phosphate (TZD), a second-generation oxazolidinone antibiotic with a long half-cycle, poses a potential threat to ecosystems and humans if present in water over an extended duration. Magnetic biochar (CF-biochar) loaded with CeFe2O4 was firstly synthesized by microwave ablation-anaerobic carbonization using corn straw as raw material and Ce(NO3)3 and Fe(NO3)3 as modifiers. These modifiers were used as activators for peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and adsorbents for removing TZD. The maximum adsorption capacity of CF-biochar was up to 2869.44 mg g−1, which was much higher than that of modified biochar. The CF-biochar/PMS system achieved 99.72% removal of TZD and accelerated the removal rate with good results. Results from quenching and electron spin resonance (ESR) tests showed that (cdot OH) and ({SO}_{4}^{cdot -}) played a major role in the oxidative degradation of TZD. Besides, they had a good removal effect on TZD among other co-existing anions. CF-biochar exhibited a smaller particle size, larger specific surface area, more abundant pore size, and high magnetic nature. The removal kinetics and removal isotherms were modeled to show that the adsorption of TZD by CF-biochar was a spontaneous, exothermic, physical multilayer adsorption process. Main driving force corresponded to electrostatic attraction and hydrophobic properties. Therefore, the CF-biochar/PMS system was an efficient, promising, and sustainable technology for removing TZD.

39. 题目: Impact of charcoal and tree species on forest Podzol development after fire disturbance
文章编号: N25020915
期刊: Plant and Soil
作者: Thi Hong Van Tran, Bartłomiej Woś, Tomasz Wanic, Marcin Pietrzykowski, Agnieszka Józefowska
更新时间: 2025-02-09

Background and aims

Charcoal and tree species are key factors influencing forest soil development after fire disturbance. Podzolization affects nutrient availability and soil fertility through translocation of organic matter and metals. This study investigates the impact of charcoal on the podzolization and examines effects of different tree species on soil properties in post-fire sites, while evaluating the effectiveness of different soil classification systems.


Research plots were established in pure stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), European larch (Larix decidua Mill.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in two variants: with and without charcoal removal after fire. Soil morphological features were described, and samples were analyzed for physical and chemical properties. Soils were classified using USDA Soil Taxonomy, World Reference Base, and Polish Soil Classification systems.


Charcoal presence significantly influenced soil development, resulting in thicker surface (A and AE) horizons, higher carbon content in spodic horizons, distinct patterns of iron mobilization. Tree species exhibited varying effects: oak stands developed pronounced eluvial horizons, birch profiles showed strong iron accumulation in spodic horizons, larch stands exhibited unique redoximorphic features in charcoal-absent conditions. The classification systems showed complementary strengths in capturing these differences, particularly in profiles with groundwater influence.


Charcoal presence and tree species significantly influence podzol development in post-fire forest soils through effects on organic matter accumulation, iron mobilization, and horizon differentiation. The complementary use of different classification systems provides insights into soil development patterns, contributing to our understanding of post-fire forest soil processes.

40. 题目: The Influence of Soil Organic Matter Content on the Toxicity of Pesticides to the Enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus
文章编号: N25020914
期刊: Environmental Pollution
作者: Bart G van Hall, Cornelis A M van Gestel
更新时间: 2025-02-09
摘要: This study investigated the influence of soil organic matter (OM) content on the toxicity of five pesticides to Enchytraeus crypticus to assess the suitability of the correction factor (CF) of 2 currently applied to lipophilic (log Kow > 2) pesticides to correct for differences in bioavailability and toxicity between natural and artificial soil (AS) due to differences in OM content. Toxicity tests were performed following standardized guidelines using AS containing 10%, 5%, and 2.5% peat, and Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt (LUFA) 2.2 soil (4.5% OM). Likelihood-ratio tests showed that soil type significantly influenced the toxicity of non-lipophilic and lipophilic pesticides, and linear regression analyses revealed that toxicity strongly correlated with soil OM content in AS (R2 ≥ 0.96). Pesticide toxicity in LUFA 2.2 soil could not always be accurately predicted based on the OM content. Utilizing the obtainedtoxicity-OM regression equations, pesticide toxicity in soils containing 10.0% and 5.0% OM were modelled to assess the CF of 2. The differences in model-estimated toxicity between these soils ranged from 1.56 – 1.96 for EC50 values, and between 1.33 – 3.40 for EC10 values. EC50 values were compared with data from a sister paper on Eisenia andrei to identify differences between species. Toxicity ratios were always higher for earthworms (2.08 – 3.21) than for enchytraeids. This study shows that the CF of 2 suffers from erroneous assumptions concerning lipophilicity, OM content and toxicity. Moreover, it highlights the importance of assessing CFs for new test species before introducing them into European soil environmental risk assessment.

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