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25341. 题目: Novel insights into variation of fluorescent dissolved organic matters during antibiotic wastewater treatment by excitation emission matrix coupled with parallel factor analysis and cosine similarity assessment 文章编号: N18072427 期刊: Chemosphere 作者: Jiukai Tang, Jing Wu, Zhonghua Li, Cheng Cheng, Bo Liu, Yidi Chai, Yongjun Wang 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: In this work, the variation of fluorescent dissolved organic matters (FDOM) of antibiotic wastewater in a full-scale treatment plant was studied. Fluorescent components of anaerobic, aerobic, Fenton stages were separately figured out by parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) based on excitation emission matrix (EEM) dataset. Then, these components were pairwise quantitatively compared according to cosine similarity (CS). It was found that, after the anaerobic treatment, the major components showed remarkable similarity (CS > 0.97) to those of raw wastewater, although their maximum fluorescence intensity (Fmax) decreased slightly or moderately (7% 54%). However, the aerobic treatment dramatically changed both the composition and content of fluorescent components, as all the protein-like components completely disappeared and only the humic-like components with much lower intensity were observed. After Fenton oxidation, all these humic-like components were remained (CS > 0.97) with fairly reduced Fmax (51% 61%). For both aerobically treated and Fenton-oxidized wastewater, Fmax correlated well with dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This suggested a dominant proportion of humic-like substances. The combination of PARAFAC based on separate EEM dataset of each treatment stage and CS assessment is a good approach to better understand FDOM variation and can be of much practical significance to monitor wastewater quality. |
25342. 题目: Sources and fate of organic matter in constructed versus natural coastal waterways 文章编号: N18072426 期刊: Marine Pollution Bulletin 作者: Kylie A. Pitt, Shin Yip Lee, Rod M. Connolly, Thi Hong Hanh Bui, Nic Doriean 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Coastal wetlands are increasingly being converted into canal estates with potential consequences for ecosystem functioning. We compared the sources and fate of organic matter and water quality at four types of canal habitats (entrances and ends of canals, canal lakes and lake edges) and shallow and deep natural habitats (four replicates of each habitat). The fate of labile organic matter was assessed by measuring rates of scavenging of carrion. Surface sediments were analysed for organic carbon content and stable carbon isotopes, fatty acid biomarkers and compound specific stable isotope analysis of selected fatty acids were used to elucidate sources of sedimentary organic matter. Canal lakes differed from other habitats and were characterised by negligible scavenging, larger quantities of organic matter comprised of higher contributions from diatoms, and hypoxia. Despite some trends, natural habitats were statistically indistinguishable from canal entrances and ends. Variation among replicate habitats was large. |
25343. 题目: Global and regional variations in tropical marine environments of Gondwana as revealed by a multi-stable isotope study, Middle Triassic (Anisian), Israel, Levant Basin 文章编号: N18072425 期刊: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 作者: A. Schneider-Mor, T. Zilberman, D. Korngreen 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: The world during the early Middle Triassic (Anisian) was characterized by a distinct recovery of the carbonate factory after the Permian–Triassic crisis. This recovery seems to have passed over the Anisian environment on the tropical northern margin of Gondwana (Israel, Levant Basin) and to have resulted in the low diversity of barren horizons of carbonate-secreting organisms. Four Anisian successions (the Ramon 1, Hameishar 1, Nafha 1, and David 1 boreholes) were studied to decode the factors preventing regional recovery. A multi-proxy analysis was performed on these boreholes, including the carbonate/siliciclastic ratio, total organic carbon (TOC), carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio and inorganic carbon (δ13Ccarb), oxygen (δ18Ocarb), and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic compositions. The aim of assessing the combination of these proxies was to characterize the geochemical conditions in the regional basins. These successions record two C-cycle perturbation events, characterized by negative shifts in δ13Ccarb values and recognized in most successions, indicating the land-marine teleconnection effect on the C-cycle perturbation. The δ18Ocarb excursions revealed similar oscillation trends, with global warming evidenced by increasing circumtropical precipitation and terrestrial influxes, whereas global cooling was reflected by increased carbonate factory production. The low δ15N values in all of the studied successions indicated the presence and flourishing of N-fixers. The absence or scarcity of carbonate-secreting organisms suggests that these N-fixers were the source of the carbonate fraction in the sediments. Episodic events with high δ15N values suggest an accumulation of terrestrial organic matter (OM) or oxygenation events, allowing short-term colonization by benthic fauna at the marine sites. |
25344. 题目: Separated pathways for biochar to affect soil N2O emission under different moisture contents 文章编号: N18072424 期刊: Science of The Total Environment 作者: Zhengjun Feng, Yaqi Sheng, Fei Cai, Wei Wang, Lizhong Zhu 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Dry land is a massive contributor to global nitrous oxide (N2O) production and biochar is a potential material for soil amendment that can impact soil N2O emission. Considering that the moisture content of dry land is usually changeable, it is essential to investigate the effect of biochar on soil N2O emission under different moisture contents. Therefore, column experiments were conducted with two biochars (B300 and B500, biochars pyrolyzed at 300 and 500 °C, respectively) under five moisture contents (18%, 21%, 24%, 27% and 30%, w/w). The results showed that B300 promoted N2O emission under the moisture contents of 18%, 21% and 24% by increasing the content of dissolved organic carbon and thus enhancing the microbial processes related to N2O production. However, when the moisture contents were 27% and 30%, the promotion of N2O production was overwhelmed by the improvement in N2O reduction due to the B300 induced increase in the abundance ratio of nosZ to nirS, leading to the decrease in N2O emission. Moreover, B500 did not alter the content of dissolved organic matter significantly and thus caused no significant change in N2O emission when the moisture contents were 18%, 21% and 24%. But it was able to increase the abundance ratio of nosZ to nirS and thus decrease N2O emission when the moisture contents were 27% and 30%. The results further clarified the effect of biochar on soil N2O emission and helped to evaluate the N2O-suppressing-potential of biochar. 图文摘要:
25345. 题目: How good are the predictions of mobility of aged polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil? Insights from a soil column experiment 文章编号: N18072423 期刊: Science of The Total Environment 作者: Chiara Maria Vitale, Elisa Terzaghi, Dario Zati, Antonio Di Guardo 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: A column leaching experiment was performed to evaluate the influence of some relevant environmental factors (soil/water contact time, temperature, saturation) on mobility of aged polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil together with transport mediated by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and mobile organic carbon (OC) coated fine particles/colloids. Consecutive fractions of leachates were collected after a variable pre-equilibration time (2, 5, 7, 48 days), using leaching solutions with different DOC content (tap water vs. Aldrich humic acid), in saturated vs. field capacity conditions and at different temperatures (25 °C vs. 15 °C). The data obtained were compared to the predicted values using a multimedia model (SoilPlusVeg) to evaluate model behaviour. Contact time and temperature determined a relevant effect on DOC and particle/colloid availability, with significant variations in leachate concentrations (up to 1 order of magnitude), typically overlooked by most environmental fate models. Results obtained at different temperatures show a modulation of the DOC/particles production with temperature and therefore the role of temperature changes in the environmental scenarios (e.g. seasonal variations). Transport of PCBs enhanced by Aldrich DOC was not linearly correlated to chemical hydrophobicity but revealed a threshold to ~Log KOW 6.5, likely because of the slow sorption kinetics of more hydrophobic chemicals. Additionally, variation of the saturation conditions (e.g. drying-wetting cycles) can determine contamination peaks at the beginning of an irrigation/rainfall event because of the soil/water equilibration. Model simulations, even when including DOC in the water phase, but not accounting for the particle/colloidal transport and sorption/desorption kinetics, mismatched the ratio of dissolved vs. DOC-associated and particle-associated PCBs and substantially underpredicted concentrations, especially for the high chlorinated congeners. The results indicated that some of the common assumptions and paradigms in fate modelling of such hydrophobic compounds should be revisited and models updated. 图文摘要:
25346. 题目: Spatiotemporal variability of hydrocarbons in surface sediments from an intensively human-impacted Xiaoqing River-Laizhou Bay system in the eastern China: Occurrence, compositional profile and source apportionment 文章编号: N18072422 期刊: Science of The Total Environment 作者: Ding He, Kai Zhang, Xingqian Cui, Jianhui Tang, Yongge Sun 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Hydrocarbons in coastal sediments record organic matter sources, and thus are widely used to elucidate both natural and anthropogenic inputs and for the estimation of pollution levels. Surface sediments were taken from Xiaoqing River and Laizhou Bay of eastern China in spring and summer of 2014, and were analyzed to determine the characteristics of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Various hydrocarbons were identified, including n-alkanes, monomethylated alkanes (MMAs), isoprenoid alkanes, linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), hopanes, steranes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). They were used to track both biogenic (terrestrial plant and microbial inputs) and anthropogenic inputs (petroleum and fossil fuel or biomass burning) in this ecosystem. The major part of hydrocarbons identified came from anthropogenic inputs including petroleum residues and synthetic detergents related hydrocarbons (16.2–90.3%), followed by higher plant (4.5–80.5%) and microbial inputs (0.8–57.5%). Interestingly, significant differences in hydrocarbon concentrations and distributions were observed between spring and summer. In particular, significant higher percentages of microbially derived hydrocarbons, but lower percentages of anthropogenic and vascular plant derived hydrocarbons were observed in summer than spring. Further principal component analyses suggested that the overall distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons was mainly controlled by seasonality instead of spatiality. In contrast, the distribution of PAHs showed insignificant spatial and seasonal differences. Physical processes such as atmospheric transportation and further deposition, may be factors influencing the distribution of PAHs in the study area with widely biomass and fossil fuel burning. The decoupled distributions of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons warrant further study for a comprehensive understanding of long term sedimentary hydrocarbon sources and input dynamics with increasing human activities. 图文摘要:
25347. 题目: Controls on high and low groundwater arsenic on the opposite banks of the lower reaches of River Ganges, Bengal basin, India 文章编号: N18072421 期刊: Science of The Total Environment 作者: Abhijit Mukherjee, Alan E. Fryar, Emily M. Eastridge, Rachel S. Nally, Madhumita Chakraborty, Bridget R. Scanlon 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Understanding the controls on spatial variability of groundwater arsenic (As) is critical for mitigating As contamination. The objective of this study is to determine controls on previously unexplained differences in groundwater As concentrations, which are high along the east bank and low along the west bank of the River Bhagirathi-Hoogly (B-H), the primary Indian distributary of the River Ganges, on the western margin of the Bengal basin. A total of 54 wells were sampled after the monsoon season at four sites (two each east and west of the B-H) in Murshidabad district, West Bengal, for field parameters, major and minor solutes, and stable isotopes of water. An additional four boreholes were drilled for analyses of sediment texture, mineralogy, total organic and inorganic carbon, and total As and other metal(loid)s. Results show that higher As in east-bank groundwater (median 0.031 mg/L) is associated with generally more anoxic conditions (higher median total Fe and lower median EH and NO3 ) relative to west-bank groundwater (median As < 0.001 mg/L), consistent with previous studies. In contrast, concentrations of Mn in the study area are highest in west-bank wells near the B-H. Carbonate and silicate weathering appear to be more important in east- and west-bank groundwater, respectively, which may reflect differences in sediment sources. Ranges of total As are similar in east- and west-bank sediments. Relatively depleted values of δ18O and δ2H in the east-bank aquifer and streams appear to reflect focused recharge through paleochannels, while relatively enriched west-bank values suggest diffuse recharge to upland aquifers. We speculate that water infiltrating through erosional, stratigraphic “windows” carries organic matter capable of mobilizing As in east-bank groundwater. This comprehensive evaluation of groundwater chemistry provides a more detailed understanding of controls on As variability within the basin. 图文摘要:
25348. 题目: Modelled phototransformation kinetics of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in organic matter-rich lakes 文章编号: N18072420 期刊: Science of The Total Environment 作者: Davide Vione, Birgit Koehler 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Xenobiotic compounds are commonly detected in inland waters. Sunlight-induced photochemical reactions contribute to xenobiotic degradation, but the role of different photoreactions on large geographic scales remains poorly understood. Here, we used a combination of photochemical modelling and large-scale field data from 1020 lakes across Sweden to elucidate the photodegradation kinetics of the commonly used antibiotic sulfadiazine (SDZ) in organic matter-rich lakes. SDZ occurs in two forms, namely acidic HSDZ (pKa = 6.5) and basic/deprotonated SDZ . Both species are oxidised fast by the photogenerated triplet states of natural organic matter (3NOM*). However, they also undergo efficient back reactions because the partially oxidised HSDZ (and SDZ to a larger extent) can be reduced back to the initial compounds by the phenolic moieties contained in NOM. Typical lakes in Sweden are rich in NOM and have low pH, with the consequence that SDZ photochemistry would be dominated by HSDZ. Our simulation results showed that SDZ photodegradation kinetics in Swedish lakes would become significantly slower with increasing water depth and pH, while it depended little on latitude, which affects irradiance, or on organic matter content. As a consequence, SDZ would be particularly persistent in lakewater in some densely populated areas with relatively deep and high-pH lakes such as, most notably, the Stockholm region. Here the surface waters could be more heavily contaminated by pharmaceuticals compared to the scarcely populated regions in the centre-north of the country, where lakewater could otherwise promote an efficient photodegradation of SDZ. 图文摘要:
25349. 题目: Using delayed luminescence to characterize humic acids from lake sediments 文章编号: N18072419 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Lilla Mielnik, Carlos Asensio 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: Using the delayed luminescence (DL) method, the photoluminescent properties of humic acids (HA) extracted from lake sediments were analyzed. Delayed luminescence is a promising technique for characterizing HA and other forms of organic matter of various origins. But information is insufficient regarding both its optimal operating conditions and also those environmental factors that control the chemical constitution of samples, which affects patterns of delayed luminescence. Materials and methods: The research material was HA from lake sediments. Humic acid extractions were carried out using the method developed by the International Humic Substances Society. Studies on excitation and recording of DL intensity of HA solutions were carried out with the use of a specially designed device for continuous recording of photo-induced luminescence. The DL was excited with a monochromatic light at multiple wavelengths. Results and discussion: The DL intensity depended on the wavelength of the exciting light. The highest DL intensity was obtained with excitation by blue light, the lowest DL intensity was observed with excitation by red light. Statistically significant differences among DL intensity were observed in the examined humic acids. These differences may be evidence of the variable quantitative and qualitative contributions of photoluminophores to the structure of the studied HA molecules as well as their different photochemical reactivities. For the blue- and green-excited DL intensity, statistically significant positive correlations were obtained with the elemental atomic ratio O:H and CQ coefficient. For the red-excited DL intensity, statistically significant positive correlations were obtained with the C and H content and H:C, C:N atomic ratios, while negative correlations were obtained with the free radical concentration. Conclusions: Delayed luminescence depended on the wavelength of the exciting light. The DL intensity excited by blue and green light was different than the red light-excited DL intensity. The DL depended on the primary composition of sediments and the properties and structure of HA too. The grouping of HA showed that the HA formed in organic matter-poor, silicate-rich sediments had greater DL emission than did those extracted from sediments that were enriched in organic matter. |
25350. 题目: Transformation of beech forest litter as a factor that triggers arsenic solubility in soils developed on historical mine dumps 文章编号: N18072418 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Anna Karczewska, Karolina Lewińska, Marcin Siepak, Bernard Ga?ka, Agnieszka Dradrach, Katarzyna Szopka 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: Soils that develop on the dumps in historical arsenic mining sites contain high concentrations of As thus constituting a serious environmental risk. This study was aimed to examine the changes in arsenic solubility in mine soils as induced by organic matter introduced with forest litter. Materials and methods: Four large samples of initially developed soils were collected from the dumps remaining in former mining sites and were incubated for 90 days at various moistures: 80% of maximum water holding capacity and 100% (flooded conditions), with and without addition of beech forest litter (BL), 50 g/kg. Soils contained up to 5.0% As. Soil pore water was collected periodically with MacroRhizon suction samplers and examined on As, Mn, and Fe concentrations, pH, Eh, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The properties of dissolved organic matter were characterized by UV-VIS spectroscopic parameters A4/A6 and SUVA254. Results and discussion: Application of BL resulted in an intensive release of As from soils, particularly at 100% moisture. As concentrations in soil pore water increased strongly during the first 2 or 4 weeks of incubation and then started to decrease in all cases, except for one flooded soil. As was released particularly intensively from carbonate-containing soils. The mechanisms of As mobilization, including reductive dissolution of Mn and Fe oxides and the competition with DOC for sorption sites on the oxides, were discussed as related to soil properties. Pore water concentrations of DOC were increasing at the beginning of incubation and started to decrease after two or four weeks. Spectroscopic parameters of dissolved organic matter in ZS soils indicated increasing aromaticity and progress of humification. Conclusions: Forest litter introduced to mine dump soils causes a mobilization of As into soil pore water. This effect, particularly strong in carbonate-rich soils, is apparently related to high concentrations of DOC and usually declines with time, which may be explained by the progress in humification. The relationships between DOC properties and As speciation in soil pore water should be dissected for better interpretation of experimental results. |
25351. 题目: The influence of soil organic matter fractions on aggregates stabilization in agricultural and forest soils of selected Slovak and Czech hilly lands 文章编号: N18072417 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Nora Polláková, Vladimír ?imansk?, Miroslav Kravka 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: Because the stability of soil aggregates is affected by many factors, we studied aggregates formed in forest and agricultural soils in different soil types (Cambisols, Luvisols, Chernozems). We evaluated: (1) the differences in water-stable aggregates (WSA) as related to soil type and land management and (2) the relationships between quantitative and qualitative parameters of soil organic matter (SOM), particle-size distribution and individual size classes of WSA. Materials and methods: Soil samples were taken from three localities (Sobě ice, Báb, Vieska nad itavou). Each study locality included both a forest and an agricultural soil-sampling area. Results and discussion: We found that in forest soils, the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates (WSAma) relative to water-stable microaggregates (WSAmi) was greater than in agricultural soils. When all soils were assessed together, positive statistically significant correlations were observed between the size classes WSAma > 1 mm and organic carbon (Corg) content; however, the WSAmi content was negatively correlated with Corg content. Favorable humus quality positively influenced the stabilization of WSAma > 5 mm; however, we found it had a negative statistically significant effect on stabilization of WSAma 1–0.25 mm. In agricultural soils, the stabilization of WSAma was associated with humified, i.e., stable SOM. The WSAma content was highly positively influenced mainly by fulvic acids bound with clay and sesquioxides; therefore, we consider this humus fraction to be a key to macroaggregate stability in the studied agricultural soils. On the other side, all fractions of humic and fulvic acids participated on the formation of WSAma in forest soil, which is a major difference in organic stabilization agents of macroaggregates between studied forest and agricultural soils. Another considerable difference is that WSAmi in agricultural soils were stabilized primarily with humic acids and in forest soils by fulvic acids. Moreover, in forest soils, a higher content of labile carbon in WSA had a positive effect on formation of WSAmi. Conclusions: The observed changes in individual size classes of WSA and interactions between SOM, particle-size distribution, and WSA have a negative impact on soil fertility and thereby endanger agricultural sustainability. |
25352. 题目: The impact of restoration processes on the selected soil properties and organic matter transformation of mountain fens under Caltho-Alnetum community in the Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians, Poland 文章编号: N18072416 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Pawe? Nicia, Romualda Bejger, Pawe? Zadro?ny, Maria Sterzyńska 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the impact of restoration processes on the selected soil properties and organic matter transformation of mountain fens under the Caltho-Alnetum community in the Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians. Materials and methods: Restoration processes were conducted on three degraded mountain fens in the Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians, Poland. The degradation degree of soils was the criterion for the selection of habitats for further studies. To determine the influence of restoration processes on mountain fen soil properties and organic matter transformation, samples were collected in 2011 and 2013. The soil samples were assayed for pH, base cation concentration, hydrolytic acidity, organic carbon and total nitrogen content, total exchangeable base cation concentration, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Organic matter fractions were extracted by IHSS method. Quantitative and qualitative study of organic matter was based on fraction composition analysis and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon. The research results were statistically verified. Results and discussion: Based on morphological and chemical properties, the studied mountain fen soils can be classified as Sapric Dranic Eutric Histosols and Sapric Dranic Dystric Histosols according to WRB guidelines (2015). Before restoration processes, the mountain fen soils subjected to a different water regime showed various contents of total nitrogen and organic carbon. The decreasing of the groundwater level was reflected in pH, calcium ion content, exchangeable base cation concentration, and base saturation. The increase of the groundwater level had influence on chemical properties of mountain fen soils such as pH, total exchangeable base cation concentration, hydrolytic acidity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Three-year restoration processes did not cause significant changes in the composition of humic substance fractions. Conclusions: Mountain fens under Caltho-Alnetum community are priority habitats in Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians, Poland. These habitats responded to restoration processes in varying degrees depending on the extent of their degradation. The least degraded mountain fen was characterized by a short response time on the restoration processes. The reaction of higher degraded habitats was weaker. |
25353. 题目: The impact of different land uses in urban area on humus quality 文章编号: N18072415 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Lidia Oktaba, Diana Odrobińska, ?ukasz Uzarowicz 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: In urban areas, humus quantity and quality depend less on natural environmental factors than on anthropogenic ones. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of different land use types of urban soils on the properties of soil organic matter (SOM). Materials and methods: Thirty-five sites involving four ways of soil use were examined: lawns, allotment gardens, fallows, and arable lands. The study was conducted in Pruszków Town in the Warsaw Agglomeration, Central Poland. Lawns and allotment gardens were located in the central part of the town, whereas fallows and arable lands were in the peripheral zones. Humus horizons, to a depth of 0–20 cm, were analyzed. Using Na-pyrophosphate extraction, we determined the soluble SOM compounds (PY), and the organic matter in the extraction residue, considered as humins (HM). In a separate extraction (with 0.05 M H2SO4), low molecular weight (LMW) humus compounds were determined. The quantity of humic acids (HA) precipitated during Na-pyrophosphate extraction was determined as well. A spectroscopic method (UV-Vis) was used to characterize HA properties. The absorption coefficients E4/E6 were calculated based on the results of absorbance measurements involving 465- and 665-nm wavelengths of UV-Vis light. Statistical analyses were performed to find similarities and differences between soils differently used in Pruszków. Results and discussion: The dominant part of the humus in the studied soils were humins HMs. There were two times more HM in the central part of the town than that in the peripheral zones. The same observation was made for soluble humus compounds (PY). The amount of LMW fractions was similar in soils of all uses. The degree of humification was small and averaged about 30% for all soils. Fulvic acid (FA) concentrations predominated over HA concentrations in all soils. The least condensed HA occurred in the allotment gardens with an E4/E6 ratio of 5.7, whereas the most condensed HAs were present in soil on arable lands (E4/E6 ratio of 4.7). Conclusions: The studies have shown that the type of land use affects humus properties. The main differences were found to be in the quantity of humus compounds. Soils from the central part of the town contained more stable (HM) and soluble (PY) compounds than soils in the outskirts of town. PY compounds were characterized by a simple structure. Fulvic acids (FA) dominated in all of the studied soils (low HA/FA ratio). A high E4/E6 ratio indicates low maturity of humic fractions with low molecular weight compounds. |
25354. 题目: The efficiency of Cd phytoextraction by S. plumbizincicola increased with the addition of rice straw to polluted soils: the role of particulate organic matter 文章编号: N18072414 期刊: Plant and Soil 作者: Tong Zhou, Longhua Wu, Peter Christie, Yongming Luo, Dario A. Fornara 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Background and aims: The addition of organic amendments to soils can significantly increase soil organic matter (SOM) content as well as the mass of large (e.g. 2000–250 μm) particulate organic matter (POM) fractions. Here we address whether the addition of organic amendments might affect both POM pools and the phytoextraction efficiency of Sedum plumbizincicola (S. plumbizincicola) in cadmium (Cd) polluted soils. Methods: We carried out a 442-days long pot experiment and measured Cd uptake by S. plumbizincicola for four successive plant crops in two polluted paddy soils subjected to rice straw (RS) amendment. We also measured soil pH, nutrient availability, pore water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and Cd concentrations across different soil particle-size fractions. Results: We found that RS amendments had no significant effects on soil pH, DOC or Cd concentrations in bulk soils during repeated phytoextraction. However, RS amendments were associated with significant (1) increases (i.e. 14.3 to 20.7%) in Cd uptake by S. plumbizincicola plants from the first crop harvest, (2) increases in available soil nutrients content, (3) increases in the percentage of oxidizable Cd fractions and the mass of soil POM fractions, and (4) decreases in POM Cd concentrations after repeated phytoextraction. These findings suggest that POM fractions may represent important accessible pools of Cd for uptake by S. plumbizincicola plants. Conclusions: RS amendments enhance both Cd bioavailability within soil POM pools and Cd uptake by the hyperaccumulator S. plumbizincicola thus providing an effective management practice to improve Cd removal from polluted soils through phytoextraction. |
25355. 题目: The effect of landslide on soil organic carbon stock and biochemical properties of soil 文章编号: N18072413 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Ewa B?ońska, Jaros?aw Lasota, Wojciech Piaszczyk, Ma?gorzata Wieche?, Anna Klamerus-Iwan 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The aim of the study was to present variability of content and quality of soil organic matter on the landslide surface. Attempts were made to demonstrate the progress of the process of soil cover restoration 7 years after the landslides and biochemical activity of soil associated with the restoration of soil cover. Materials and methods: The landslide area was located in southern Poland, in the Sucha Forest District. The soil properties were studied on a regular grid of points, which covered the entire area of the landslide. In soil samples, particle size, soil aggregates content, pH, total carbon and nitrogen content, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and the activity of dehydrogenases were determined. Additionally, the fractions of soil organic matter were used in the study as an indicator of soil quality due to the many important interactions of these components in the soil system. Results and discussion: This study identified the landslide area as characterised by a stronger diversification of physical, chemical, and biological properties. The upper part of the landslide (in the area referred to as the landslide niche) is strongly eroded and characterised by the least advanced soil cover recovery. Additionally, low soil organic matter content was observed in the upper part of the landslide, which restricted biological activity of the studied soils. Soil microbial biomass carbon increased with restoration of landslide soils. Conclusions: The soil organic matter plays a key role for the initial stage of soil formation on a landslide. The amount of soil organic matter on the studied landslide had a positive effect on the microbial biomasses C and N, dehydrogenases activity. Estimating the soil organic matter fraction can be utilised as an indicator of changes in soil. |
25356. 题目: The effect of application of organic manures and mineral fertilizers on the state of soil organic matter and nutrients in the long-term field experiment 文章编号: N18072412 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Ladislav Men?ík, Luká? Hlisnikovsk?, Lubica Pospí?ilová, Eva Kunzová 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in terrestrial ecosystems and agroecosystems. Changes in the agricultural sector in the Czech Republic within the past 25 years have had a negative impact on SOM content and contribute to gradual soil degradation. The aim of this study is to estimate the effect of long-term application of different mineral fertilizers (NPK) and organic manures (manure, cattle slurry) on soil chemical properties (quality of humus, available nutrients, and soil reaction). Materials and methods: Soil samples were collected from Luvisol during two selected periods 1994–2003 and 2014–2016 from long-term field experiment carried out in Prague-Ruzyně (Czech Republic). Average annual temperature is 8.5 °C, and annual precipitations are 485 mm. Different fertilization regimes have been applied for 62 years. The crop rotation was as follows: cereals (45%), root crops (33%) and legumes (22%). Soil analysis—soil organic carbon (SOC) was determined by oxidimetric titration method. Short fractionation method for evaluation of humic substance (HS), humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) content was used. Absorbance of HS in UV-VIS spectral range was measured by Varian Carry 50 Probe UV-VIS spectrometer. Degree of humification (DH) and color index (Q4/6) were calculated from fractional composition data. Soil reaction was measured by potentiometric method. Available nutrients (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium) were determined by Mehlich II and Mehlich I methods and by ICP-OES. For data analysis, the following are used: exploratory data analysis, ANOVA, and principal component analysis (PCA). Results and discussion: PCA analysis differentiated fertilizers into two categories: (1) variant NPK (lower quality of humus)—higher acidity, lower SOC and HS content, predomination of FA, higher DH and lower content of available nutrients; (2) variants with organic manures (higher quality of humus)—lower acidity, higher SOC and HS content, predomination of HA, middle DH, and high content of available nutrients. The main result of presented study is to give a synthesis of effect of different type of fertilizers on a sustainable organic matter management in arable soils, with respect to yields, food security and adaptation to predict climate changes. Conclusions: Long-term application of mineral fertilizers (NPK) without organic matter input can accelerate humus mineralization and soil quality degradation with all negative consequences such as (nitrogen leaching, higher availability of toxic element for plants, slow energy for soil microorganisms etc.). Application of organic fertilizers (manure and cattle slurry) helps to achieve the long-term stable yields while maintaining soil at optimum quality (long-term sustainable management with SOM). Principal component analysis is a useful tool for evaluation of soil quality changes. |
25357. 题目: Studying of the interaction between peat humic acids and metazachlor using spectroscopy methods 文章编号: N18072411 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Romualda Bejger, Lilla Mielnik, Ma?gorzata W?odarczyk, Pawe? Nicia 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The analysis covered the interaction of humic acids (HA) isolated from peats with the metazachlor using spectroscopic methods. Materials and methods: Five peatlands have been selected for the study in the southern and northern parts of Poland. Extraction of humic acids (HA1, HA2, HA3, HA4, and HA5) was performed using a procedure recommended by the International Humic Substances Society. Metazachlor 500 SC with metazachlor as a biologically active substance [2-chloro-N-(pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)acet-2′,6′-xylidide] has been used. HA have been assessed on the basis of their elemental composition. Spectroscopic techniques have been used to study the HA structure and their interaction with metazachlor including: UV-visible spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and delayed luminescence (DL) Results and discussion: Based on their morphological and chemical properties, the studied peat soils can be classified as follows: (1) Eutric Murshic Sapric Histosols, (2) Eutric Sapric Histosols, (3) Eutric Hemic Histosols, (4) Eutric Fibric Histosols, and (5) Dystric Dranic Hemic Histosols according to the WRB guidelines (2015). Results showed that the largest particle size, measured by E4/6 coefficient, was found in HA2 sample, while the smallest in HA3 sample. The addition of metazachlor to HA solutions reduced the values of E4/6 coefficient by 33 to 72%, while the values of hydrodynamic diameter by 4 to 32%. No significant changes were found between E4/6 after adding of metazachlor to HA solutions. The largest changes in DL intensity, excited both by blue and red light after herbicide addition, were observed in HA2 sample, which is characterized by the largest particle size, the highest oxygen content and CQ value as well as the lowest “aromatization rate” value. Conclusions: The particle sizes of HA molecules measured by E4/6 coefficient do not impact on the particle sizes of HA-herbicide systems measured by the same ratio. The delayed luminescence may become valuable, because it is simple, fast, and sensitive. Additionally, the results show minor errors comparing with chemical methods. This method may provide information about structure and nature of humic acids, as well as their photoreactivity. The using of delayed luminescence in studies of HA-pesticides interaction may enable us to better understand the luminescence properties of HA. |
25358. 题目: Seasonal changes in the content of dissolved organic matter in arable soils 文章编号: N18072410 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Ewa Rosa, Bozena Debska 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The aim of this paper has been to determine the seasonal changes in the content of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soils under agricultural use based on assaying changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DNt) as well as determining the factors which can define the DOM in soils. Materials and methods: The research has involved the soils under agricultural use sampled in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province (Poland). Phaeozems and Luvisols were sampled from the depth of 0–30, 30–60, and 60–100 cm, November 2011 through September 2013, in November, March, May, July, and September. The soil samples were assayed for the grain size composition, pH, dry weight content, content of total organic carbon, and total nitrogen. Dissolved organic matter was extracted with 0.004 mol dm3 CaCl2; in the DOM extracts, the content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DNt) were assayed. The research results were statistically verified. Results and discussion: It has been demonstrated that in the first year of research, the content of dissolved organic carbon in the soils was changing throughout the year. The highest differences in the content of that carbon fraction occurred across the soil sampled in autumn and the soil sampled in spring. In the second year of research, an inverse dependence was noted. DOC was migrating to deeper layers of the soil profile; yet, the migration got more intensive in summer. The content of dissolved nitrogen was not changing significantly throughout the year. Higher DNt content in the surface layer, in general, resulted in a higher content of dissolved nitrogen in deeper profile layer, which could have been due to leaching of the nutrient deep down the soil profile. Conclusions: The content of dissolved organic carbon was significantly related to the content of total organic carbon and total nitrogen. Significant changes in the content of dissolved forms of nitrogen were reported in the profile of Phaeozems due to mineral fertilization and irrigation. The soils where irrigation and higher nitrogen rates had been applied demonstrated a higher content and share of soluble forms of nitrogen, as compared with the soils non-irrigated and the soils where lower nitrogen rates had been supplied. |
25359. 题目: Quantitative and qualitative characterisation of humic products with spectral parameters 文章编号: N18072409 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Ekaterina Filcheva, Mariana Hristova, Pavlina Nikolova, Todorka Popova, Konstantin Chakalov, Valentin Savov 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The application of different humic products for the treatment of soils and plants has increased in recent years. The characteristics of humic products, such as the content and composition of organic carbon and the maturity, provide valuable information which is essential for an adequate application. Such information is crucial for manufacturers, business consultants and users involved in the production, distribution and implementation of humic products. This article presents the correlation between the quantitative indicators of commercial humic products and their spectral characteristics via measurements in the ultraviolet spectrum at 300 nm, in the visible area at 445 and 665 nm and in the near-infrared spectrum at 850 nm. Materials and methods: We evaluated humic products (liquid and solid) of different origins. Via wet combustion, the content of total organic carbon in humic products can be determined. The precipitation of humic acids from the starting solution determines the composition of the humic products in terms of humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs). The dissolution of HAs determines their concentration by titration, while the specific extinction can be assessed via spectrophotometry via measuring the absorption of HAs spectra at the following wavelengths: 300, 465, 665 and 850 nm. The degree of aromaticity and condensation of humic products determines the optical density of the HAs via the E4/E6 ratio. Results and discussion: The content of total organic carbon varied widely from 0.55 to 37.5% across all groups. The content of carbon in HAs, as a percentage of the total carbon in fulvic-type humic products, ranged from 1.29 to 16.00%, while in humic-type products, it ranged from 51.43 to 91.92%. The minimum value of the E4/E6 ratio was 2.97, while the maximum value was 6.35. We observed a direct relationship between the dominant type of acids in humic products and the E4/E6 ratio. Conclusions: The optical density of HAs indicates their quality characteristics. The presented optical characteristics for humic products show that there is a direct relationship, especially between HAs/FAs and E4/E6 ratios. Measurement at 300 nm (E300) in the near-ultraviolet area and at 850 nm (E850) in the near-infrared area can increase the range of the spectral study. |
25360. 题目: Qualitative and quantitative soil organic matter estimation for sustainable soil management 文章编号: N18072408 期刊: Journal of Soils and Sediments 作者: Jolanta Kwiatkowska-Malina 更新时间: 2018-07-24 摘要: Purpose: The aims of this paper were to review tools and methods for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of soil organic matter (SOM) coming from diverse egzogenic sources for effective soil management, and to introduce a new approach to predict dynamics of SOM transformations, especially humification, as a key process in the formation of humic substances (HSs). Materials and methods: A review of existing literature is presented on tools and methods for qualitative and quantitative assessment of organic matter in soil originating from various sources for reasonable soil management, attempting to provide a better understanding of the advances in organic matter transformations and new research directions for modeling. Diverse tools and methods for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of organic matter in soil coming from diverse sources have been adopted so far to express transformation processes. Results and discussion: For the qualitative analysis of SOM and humic acids (HAs), the analytical techniques are applied, e.g., HPSEC, NMR, and ESI-FTICRMS. The quantitative analysis is done through the following parameters: humification index (HI), humification degree (HD), and humification rate (HR). These analyses indicated that because of lack of reliable data from sufficiently long-term experiments, mathematical modeling may be applied as a numerical tool for quantitative estimation and prediction of humification of SOM. The effective soil management should include soil properties as well as different functions: food production, nutrient and water cycling, storage, filtrating, buffering, biological habitat, gene pool, source of raw materials, climate regulations, heritage, platform for man-made structure. The soil utility value should be evaluated through the SOM qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic carbon and total nitrogen. Knowledge about dynamics of SOM transformations is essential, particularly in the context of stability and efficiency of different sources of organic matter applied into soil. A qualitative understanding of SOM dynamics transformations along with modeling for quantitative assessment of HS formation should be used to develop sustainable soil management. The modeling may be considered as a tool for predicting SOM humification dynamics and consequently the formation of HSs from the diverse sources. The existing archival data from a long-term experiment may be used to build and calibrate the reliable mathematical model of SOM humification. Conclusions: Managing of SOM remains a sound basis for maintaining soil in a good condition for optimizing productivity. The development of land management strategies to optimize both the increase of soil organic carbon levels and the recycling of nutrients from SOM needs to be a priority. This should include policy makers and other users as well. |
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